What if a participant wants to leave the study?
We hope participants will be able to continue to take the study pills for the full course of the study.
For the study to produce reliable results, it is necessary both for participants to remember to take their study pills as best they can, and for the study team to collect complete information about the health of as many participants as possible.
Participation is voluntary. Each person has the right to decide they no longer wish to, or are no longer able to, participate in any aspect of the study at any time. All data as well as blood and urine samples already collected until the time of discontinuation will be kept and used as described.
If a participant withdraws, their usual rights as an NHS patient will not be affected in any way.
If a participant is asked to stop their study pills by a doctor, or choose to stop them themself, it would be very helpful if they would allow the study team to stay in touch. To make sure the study produces reliable results we would also need, wherever possible, to continue to collect blood samples at the study clinic for the full study duration (3-4 years).
A participant may decide that they no longer wish to come to the study clinic. What would happen in this case is described in more detail in the Data Protection section.